For Investors
New Rye Securities is dedicated to expanding options for investors, while providing transparency to a process long shrouded in secrecy.
In the past, private placements were private, and limited to a select few. Even investors lucky enough to see some offerings were presented with a tiny fraction of what was available. But now, with new regulatory developments, New Rye can alert all eligible investors to private offerings.
Investors can access managements, offering documents, and investor discussions to select their investments.
Just as online brokerage empowered millions of investors in the public market, New Rye allows investors to take control of their investment decision in an asset class previously denied to all but an inner circle of investors.
It is important to note that investing in private companies may involve significant risk. Companies may present risks specific to their industry, operating strategy, or stage of development. Since the securities are private, you may not be able to sell your securities. Because of these and other risks, you should recognize the potential to lose some or all of your investment and you should invest no more than you can afford to lose. Be sure to review company documents so you understand the risks before you invest.